Lethbridge Polytechnic


Do you have a challenge you're looking to solve?

We may be able to help at the Centre for Applied Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CARIE). Our team functions as a bridge between industry clients and the expertise of Lethbridge Polytechnic's (LP) dedicated researchers, faculty, and staff.

CARIE Bridge Process

The first step in our CARIE Bridge Process is the Client Profile Form (CPF) that assists us in matching your specific need with LP expertise and/or our Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta (RINSA) Partners.

If there is a potential match with LP, the next step may be a Bridge Meeting between the client, LP researchers, and the CARIE office to determine pathways for the project. Anyone interested in working with LP for research or technical services is required to complete a CPF.


Many programs fund or otherwise support projects at different stages of development. 
These are the 9 TRLs, with 1 being the least ready and 9 being already used in real-life conditions.

Hold CTRL and click to select multiple.

Regional Innovation Network of Southern Alberta

that includes the following member organizations:  

  • Alberta Innovates
  • Lethbridge College
  • University of Lethbridge
  • Tecconnect / Economic Development Lethbridge
  • Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce
  • Okotoks Economic Development
  • Piikani Resource Development
  • Blackfoot Confederacy Tribal Council Entrepreneurship Committee
  • Blood Tribe Economic Development
  • Community Futures Lethbridge Region
  • Southgrow Regional Initiative
  • Alberta Southwest Regional Economic Development
  • BIPOC Foundation  
  • Rural Women Entrepreneurs in Technology
RINSA collectively assists start-ups and small businesses to successfully navigate the 
commercialization system through programs, services, and resources. As a part of the 
Alberta Innovation Network, RINSA can leverage opportunities to collaborate with other
 regional innovation networks throughout the province as well.


Hold CTRL and click to select multiple.

Hold CTRL and click to select multiple.
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